
How to Easily Analyse Students Performance in Online Studies

Assessment or analysis of student’s performance is a simple process of collecting information of students’ knowledge based on their education. The purpose of assessment is to identify areas that require improvement and to ensure that the course content is fulfilling the learning needs. Usually, assessment is either formative or summative. Formative assessments are ongoing and give learners critical feedback. While the summative assessment is the final exam or assessment after completion of the course.

The purpose of the assessment is not only grades. It provides learners the opportunity to challenge their knowledge and apply it to answer questions and solve problems. Moreover, assessment plays an important role in the evaluation of e-Learners’ capacity to grasp course material. When different quizzes and tests are conducted at different intervals during the course, they provide learners the opportunity to practice their knowledge of the material too.

Studies suggest that when students practice the material learned, the chances of retaining the content increase. Course instructors were using different methods for analyzing students’ performance. After the COVID-19, most of the learning is being shifted online. So, there is a need to improve the assessment process in online studies. Examination software helps in creating online tests and to generate results.

Here we have a number of easy methods to evaluate students’ performance mindfully in online studies.

Online Quiz: A Traditional Assessment Tool

Everyone is familiar with this traditional assessment tool. When these quizzes are presented with technology, they are the best way to analyze students. Question of quiz can be fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice, and hotspots. Quizzes are considered the easiest method of assessment as they are short and scoring is also easy.

A quiz can be made unique for each student by changing the order of questions and options. Before starting the course, teachers can also conduct a non-graded quiz to get a baseline or what students know

Open-Ended Questions: Qualitative Assessment Method

Essay questions or open-ended questions are a popular assessment method. In this method, students are asked to write their knowledge or thoughts about some topic. This method prompts students to explore their opinions, thoughts, and feelings about the subject matter or their comprehension of the topic.

Additionally, this method of assessment enhances critical thinking. But this method is appropriate for the evaluation of students in a higher level of studies. Because open-ended questions or essay questions require more time to think about the question and then to organize and compose the answer.

Drag-And-Drop: To Access Ability to form Links

Drag-and-drop assessment is another easy way to analyze students’ performance in online learning. This type of assessment is best to evaluate students’ ability to form links between information and to apply their knowledge to find the solution to a practical problem.

Both text and images can be included in this kind of assessment, so it gives a real-world feel to students. Moreover, this method is also very engaging and challenging for the students. As an instructor of a course, if you are teaching a subject where the application of knowledge in real-life is necessary, you can use this assessment method. But use this method when students are able to apply their knowledge.

Online Interviews: For Demonstration of Practical Knowledge

Nowadays most of the traditional learning has been shifted to online learning. And to give e-learning personalized touch instructors need to incorporate video conferences in their teaching. Similarly, video conferences and online interviews can also be used for analyzing students’ performance. This is the best method of assessment for subjects like music, language, and nursing. Because practical demonstration is necessary for these subjects to access proficiency.

Group interviews can also be conducted for group projects. Students can easily get their assessment results in online interviews or feedback immediately. And immediate feedback can help them in making them more responsible.