The international baccalaureate program is taught at more than 140 schools worldwide and is a fantastic program for those who are entering university or the workforce after secondary school.
The IB is recognized worldwide as a distinguished program for serious pupils. Students who have completed it have gone on to attend some of the most prestigious universities in the world, often with the assistance of a reputable study consultant like AbroAdvice.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the benefits of the international baccalaureate curriculum and why it might be right for you or your child.
Read on for more information regarding this program.
What Is the International Baccalaureate Program?
In order to discuss the positives of the curriculum, it is necessary to discuss what exactly the program is.
The IB program is comprised of six subject groups. Within each subject group, students may choose courses within them. These core groups are:
- Language acquisition
- Math
- Science
- Arts
- Studies in language and literature
- Science
There are three elements of each course the students take. Firstly, students focus on the theory of knowledge, in which students reflect on the breadth of what society knows about the topic and how we come to know it. They will then write a self-directed extended essay that is at least 4,000 words. Finally, they undertake a project known as a CAS project. CAS stands for creativity, activity, or service, and the student’s project will relate to one of these within the study.
Students are expected to take three or four courses at a higher level, or HL, which is 240 hours of subject material. The rest of their courses will be at standard level or SL.
When choosing universities, you may wish to discuss with admissions how many HL classes in which areas they expect for pupils who follow the IB curriculum.
The Advantages of the International Baccalaureate Curriculum
There are many advantages of the IB program for highly motivated pupils. Students who are dedicated to quality academics should undertake an IB program.
1. It Fosters Independence
Much of the curriculum within an IB program is independent. Students will write lengthy essays and craft their own projects, which help them become critical and independent thinkers. This is an essential skill for university, and some students find it difficult to transition to university because their high school or secondary school spoon-fed them material.
Students who come from IB backgrounds are confident and ready to undertake studies in almost any area at a high level.
If you decide not to attend university, you’ll have transferable skills for the workplace and be well prepared for a job or career.
2. It Is Recognized Worldwide
One of the biggest pluses of the IB is that it is recognized worldwide. This is fantastic for students attending high school overseas, as their work is automatically transferable. It also works out well for students who wish to attend university in a different country, as the IB is well-known and university admissions are familiar with courses.
You won’t need to translate diplomas or spend hours taking make-up courses to ensure your high school experience “counts.” Your IB diploma already shows you’re a highly motivated student.
3. Deep Dives Into Subjects You’re Interested In
Most secondary students take courses that have the same length of study. For instance, they’ll have 5 hours of math per week, which is the same as they’ll have for a foreign language. But what if they’re more interested in one than the other?
With IB, you’re able to hone in on the subjects you’re actually interested in and take more comprehensive courses on them. If you need math to enter university, but you’re not all that captivated by it, you can take it at a standard level. If you love languages, you can take them at a higher level, cover double the material, take a deeper dive, and more in-depth look at the material.
4. Well-Rounded Education
While the IB offers you the ability to focus on subjects you’re much more interested in than subjects you aren’t, you’ll still get a well-rounded education. While you may not be interested in certain subjects, you’ll still have to take them at a lower level. This means that you’re able to push yourself and achieve, even in subjects you’re not as great at.
Universities value this and see this as a sign of perseverance and show that you have a strong work ethic. It tells the university admissions office that even if you’re not a huge fan of a subject, you’ll still study it and make strides in it.
This also shows that you’re willing to not only play to your strengths but work on your weaknesses. The ability or willingness to do so is something that is looked upon highly for university programs, but also for future job opportunities.
Studying with the International Baccalaureate Program Might Be For You
The international baccalaureate curriculum is perfect for well-rounded and hard-working, serious students. It’s also a good program to consider if, as a parent, you’re working overseas and your students are attending schools abroad.
If they want universities in their home country to take their studies seriously, your family may wish to consider enrolling them in a school with an IB program. Remember, not all schools with IB programs charge tuition, and with some research, you can find IB programs that fit almost every budget.
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